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A Novel

Lost Illusion

Coming Christmas 2024
During Val’s journey to share her message of limitless possibilities with the world, she gets separated from her service dog, Maya, in the aftermath of an accident near Merida, Mexico. In her quest to find Maya, Val must find the inner strength to let go of her self-doubt, and find herself when everything else seems lost.

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Illusion Book Launch Team

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You will get to read and review it before anyone else. Even more suspenseful than “Choice”, this sequel is a page-turner!

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Tune into your intuition for writing a book:

The entire process of writing and researching “Lost Illusion” is being guided completely by my intuition. I will share every step with you, including how I developed the plot and researched the history of the beautiful city of Merida, Mexico, where the story takes place.
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Hi, I'm Dora Farkas

I help authors Find Their Voice

Dora Farkas, Ph.D. believes in the power of allowing your intuition to guide you in writing and publishing your book rather than relying on formulas.

Her first book, “The Smart Way” to your Ph.D., sold over 30,000 copies and paved the way for a six-figure consulting business while she was a stay-at-home mom with two kids.

She wrote her debut novel, “Choice”, completely from intuition, and it shows how everyday people can use the power of intuition and moment-by-moment choices to affect change in their lives.

“Choice” is the story of a Mexican-American single mother striving against all odds to keep custody of her 3-year-old daughter, and it will be published before Mother’s Day in 2024.